Brief of Indian Army ops and assistance at Bemetara

Report manpreet singh

Raipur chhattisgarh VISHESH Brief of Indian Army ops and assistance at Bemetara

  1. Background. On requisition by Shri Ranbir Sharma, DC, Bemetara, Chattisgarh dated 25 May 24, A team from COD Jabalpur headed by Maj Jaideep along with one JCO and two amn tech travelled by road and reached the site by 0800 hrs on 26 May 24.
  2. Brief about Site . Blast site was one of the facilities of the company ‘ Special Blasts Ltd’. The company produces Industrial Explosives and is spread over 100 acre of land with different storage facilities for Cordex, PETN, Ammonium Nitrate etc. The company mfr Large dia slurry explosives, bulk emulsion, water gel expl, detonating fuzes etc for industrial use.
  3. Actions Carried Out. The team interacted with civil adm, available reps of the factory, PESO rep,NDRF and CRP and did a site visit of different storage facilities housing explosives. The epicenter of the blast site was also visited to ascertain the explosive involved and probable causes.
  4. Advice Rendered by Team Post Recce. A bfg of all concerned on the sit and actions to be taken was held by Maj Jaideep at Jt Control Room. Salient points are as under : (a) The explosives stored in balance storages protected by traverses don’t pose a threat of explosion. (b). The portion of PETN from the produce of 24 May left out be kept submerged in water.

(c) Drenching the bulk store house with water to put off simmering fire

(d). Conc Nitric acid leaking out of 3-4 containers be drenched with heavy volume of water.

(e). The area be kept out of bounds for all, less people carrying out above action.

(f) No operation and removal of explosives be permitted till visit and insp is carried out by PESO.

(g) Strict crowd control measures and cordon of the area.


There was an uncontrolled explosion resulting in loss of life and property in an authorised explosive manufacturing unit in Bemetara district of Chhattisgarh. Indian Army was requested to provide technical expertise by District Admin.

At 0745 hr approx, fire emanated from one of the explosive storage tank at the factory and then around 0800 hr an explosion took place.

Bemetara is approx 60 Km NE of Raipur. The factory is called – Special Blast Ltd Factory. It makes detonators and explosives for civil use.

Indian Army COD team headed by Maj Jaideep with one JCO and two Ammunition technicians with two bomb suits, Two explosive vapour detectors and other requisite materials left for the site.

Jabalpur team left at midnight. reached site at on 26 May morning.

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