SECL produces record 14.76 million tonnes of coal in the month of November

Report manpreet singh

Raipur chhattisgarh VISHESH Company touches the highest figures of any November month in OBR and Offtake.
SECL has registered a record performance of 14.76 million tonnes of coal production in the month of November. This is the highest coal production ever done in any month of November since the establishment of the company. Earlier, the company had achieved coal production of 14.61 million tonnes in November 2022.
SECL’s OB removal stood at 31.33 million cu.m. for November 2023, the highest in any November month since inception. Last year in the month of November 2022, the company had done 25.28 million cu.m. OBR. Thus, the company has registered an increase of about 24% with 6 million tonnes as compared to the month of November last year.
In offtake also, the company has achieved dispatch of 15.02 million tonnes of coal, surpassing all previous figures for the month of November. Last year in November 2022, SECL had dispatched 12.57 million tonnes of coal. In this way, the company has registered an increase of about 25% with 3.12 million tonnes in November 2023.
It may be noted that the company has recorded the highest coal production in its history of 167 million tonnes in the recently concluded financial year 22-23. The company’s target for current financial year is 197 million tonnes. In this financial year 23-24, the company has already achieved the fastest coal production and dispatch of 100 million tonnes and 100 million cu. m. OBR in its history.

                                        Public Relations Officer
                                              SECL Bilaspur

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